Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Here's a look I did for an open house graduation party I went to last weekend:

I used:
neutrals palette by elf.
- Elf cream liner in black (mentioned in my last post)
elf false lashes :)
- Revlon Beyond Natural Skin Matching makeup SPF 15 in 230 Medium
- elf High Definition Powder (Awesome stuff!)
- Neutrogena Healthy Skin Custom Glow blush & Bronzers in Natural Glow 10
- Milani Crystal Gloss in Summer Baby

And here's my first attempt at water marbling!

OPI "Hell To The No" && Milani "Dude Blue" Base= Rimmel "Bare Naked"

Sorry these pictures aren't very good, they were taken by my iPod. I lost the charger to my camera :(

My favorite cream liner review

 Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Elf’s cream liners are only 3 bucks, and they are the bomb. I have the “Ivory” and “Black.” 

I use black as an actual liner, whereas I use ivory as a base for eyeshadows. Ivory isn’t as creamy as black (its kind of chunky :/ ), so it’s harder to use as a liner. I thought it would be more of a white color, but it’s more of a shimmery pearl. I didn’t want to throw it away so I played around with it and found it is amazing as a base. I used to use elf’s studio eyeshadow primer and then add the liner as a base, and the eyeshadow surprising stayed put. I did this when I ran out of my beloved Urban Decay primer potion and found it was just as good!

The black is suuuper creamy and very easy to work with. Elf claims that these liners are “Smudge-proof, budge-proof and water-resistant coverage for all day wear to combat against, sweat, tears and rain.” Waterproof? Ehh…kind of, but not really. I once used it for a baseball game I went to. Me and one of my girl friends went to a Tigers game, and I ended up using this product as “face paint” because it was so creamy! I accidentally touched my face a dozen times lol, but it remained the way it was. It did smudge a little, but it wasn’t too bad. When I removed it, it easily came off, which I do like because I hate tugging at my eyes to remove liner…and I had to go back out that night, so I’m glad it was able to come off without leaving my face with any trace of black on my cheeks.

For the price, how easy it is to use, and how versatile it is, I would continue to purchase this liner.

Suuuuper Duuuuper

 Sunday, June 19, 2011

Check out this dupe of OPI's "Last Friday Night" from the Katy Perry collection!

"Hottie (831)" [pic taken outside]
I was in Bed Bath and Beyond's nail polish station, and I was browsing through the Sinful Colors Professionals section and I saw this color that reminded me of "Last Friday Night" by OPI. I do not own "Last Friday Night", so I looked up a picture and found they were actually similar. The OPI's glitter is definitely chunkier than the Sinful Color's, and is a bit darker, but very close. Hottie applies pretty sheer, I used about 3 coats. I would recommend layering it on a similar blue colored creme polish :)

I only paid $1.79 for "Hottie." I also have a yellow polish from sinful colors that I have yet to try. I would think for such a reasonable price, the results might not be so appealing, but we'll see.

-Stay tuned :)

Success?? You be the judge!!

 Saturday, June 18, 2011

Yesterday was, I know, the 10th day for my “Will it last?” test…but I was really busy yesterday. Soooo I woke up early and took pictures first thing ^_^ Here’s what I ended up with:

Left hand with top and base coat
 My left hand was obviously better than my right because of the base and top coat. My middle finger was definitely worn down, and a little bit of my pinky finger chipped in the corner.

Right hand with polish alone
My right hang showed the most chips. My nails grow uber fast so I broke a couple nails :( 

They look kinda gross, which is probably why I don't keep polish on for more than a week lol. But I think for 10 days, the end results were pretty average. I didn’t really expect for the polish to stay perfect, but for the amount of time I had them on, they looked pretty decent. They did wear down from like typing and stuff. Since “Bare Naked” is a nude, it was hard to tell if there were any chips, but the chips were clearly visible with the silver. A black or a darker color may have been the better choice to use when testing the lasting power of these polishes, but the nude was so beautiful I couldn’t resist.

That’s what I think about it…what do you guys think? :)

Kalayaan [kah-lay-ya-ahn]

 Sunday, June 12, 2011

Yesterday was the 2011 Kalayaan!! I got to be surrounded by hundreds of filipinos and eat awesome filipino food. Kalayaan means "liberty" or "freedom" in tagalog (the main language spoken in the Philippines). It's pretty much their Independence Day. It was so much fun. Unfortunately I didn't get too many pictures, and I forgot to take pics of the food :( But here's what I have to share:

Located @ Halmich Park, Warren MI

A couple of volleyball nets were up and there's a basketball court a little farther in the back to the right.
We love to dance :)

Joy and I (One of my best friends)

The top I wore was actually really bright yellow..I wish it had shown up that way, but I guess my camera couldn't handle it's awesome color. Oh well... I also wore my cute strawberry necklace from Claire's :] I LOVE strawberries! lol


 Saturday, June 11, 2011

Okay so here's a quick update of my nails from Tuesday! Will it last another 6 days? Next Friday should be the 10th day. Please correct me if I'm wrong :]

My right hand with the polish alone. 

My left hand with base/top coat.

I'm like, dying to pick at them because it's what I do after 4 days lol. I'm used to painting them every 4-5 days. But I'll resist the urge. I used about 3-4 coats of polish which I don't like because it takes forever to dry, even with a dry quick coat to speed up drying. But so far there are no chips on my left hand, and my right hand's middle finger has the tiniest chip, but you can barely tell it is even there unless you point it out. So far so good :) Sorry if the pictures aren't that great, I have a picnic to go to! So I'm in a little hurry, but I wanted to get this up. I'll have better pictures next time.

Stayyyy tuuuuned :]

ohhh *edit*

The silver only took about 2 coats tops :)

Will it last 10 days??

 Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Heller everyone :) I picked up a three new nail polishes the other day! Two of them are by Rimmel London, the other by Sinful Colors Professionals (which I will also review later on).

I reeeally like Rimmel cosmetics, and a while back I was really into black nails so I always bought Rimmel London’s Lasting Finish PRO nail lacquer in Black Satin (430). I really enjoyed the quality so I thought I’d buy a couple more. I got Bare Naked (a verrry pretty nude) and pure silver (metallic silver). The Lasting Finish PRO polishes claim to last up to 10 days, so I’m going to test that out. I applied my right hand with just the polish alone, and my left with a base (Gelous Advanced nail gel coat: Sally’s $5.49) and a top coat (Sally Hansen Hard as Nails UV top coat).

Day one:

I’ll update in a few days :)

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